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Proper Chemical Peel Aftercare

Do you want to know the quickest way to achieve radiant skin? What about a chemical peel?

Chemical peels can help even the most damaged skin look healthy. Plus, they target issues such as hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone to make your skin look brighter and flawless.

But chemical peels achieve these results because they’re strong. These powerful skin peels are made of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or glycolic acid, which heavily exfoliates your skin. This could leave you vulnerable to damage, such as sun damage.

This is why when you go for a chemical peel, you need to have an aftercare strategy ready. Here are three things to know about chemical peel aftercare.

Don’t Touch Your Face

Think of a sunburn: When your sunburn heals, your skin peels. The same occurs when you get a tattoo. And what does everyone tell you? Don’t pick your skin.

A similar process occurs with a chemical peel. The ingredients heavily exfoliate your skin and accelerate skin cell renewal. After a chemical peel, your skin disposes of the top layer of skin to reveal a bright and healthy new layer of skin.

But for your new and perfect skin to come in, your skin must shed and peel. To avoid scarring and other skin complications, don’t peel off your skin or touch your face. The skin will flake off naturally.

Stay Moisturized

Even though a chemical peel is effective, the ingredients take a toll on your skin.

One of the most common chemical peel side effects is dry skin. During the healing process, it’s important you moisturize. But not just any moisturizer will do. Use a heavy-duty cream-based moisturizer, but one that isn’t too hard on your skin.

Stick to simple ingredients, such as vitamin e and aloe. Even hyaluronic acid-based moisturizers are great for chemical peel aftercare. In addition, don’t use other powerful skincare methods during the recovery process. A simple cleanser is all you’ll need, so don’t use any masks or exfoliators.

Use Sunscreen

The first thing your esthetician or dermatologist will advise is using sunscreen. This is because UV rays damage your skin by causing hyperpigmentation, aging symptoms, and of course, skin cancer.

Since a chemical peel exposes a brand new layer of skin, this layer is vulnerable to UV rays. To protect your skin, you’ll need a broad-spectrum sunscreen—meaning it protects against UVA and UVB sun rays.

Practice Proper Chemical Peel Aftercare

A chemical peel can benefit a myriad of clients, but very few clients know about proper chemical peel aftercare. To reap the benefits of your peel, remember:

  • You should use sunscreen and a thick moisturizer after your peel.
  • Avoid any harsh skin care products.
  • Don’t touch or peel your skin.

The success of your chemical peel depends on the aftercare. So, treat your skin responsibly and you’ll have amazing skin after a chemical peel.

Are you in Milwaukee and suffering from uneven skin tone or aging symptoms? We can help! Check out our chemical peel service and other skin services.

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